2021: A year of discovery, perspective & movement!

Living life on purpose!

My beautiful planner a gift from my Kingdom Daughters fam!

January 2022 is almost over and 2021 seems like a distant memory already! It’s taken me longer than expected to get my next Motivated to Move blog post out and boy am I glad I took the time out to compile it! It was definitely a labour of love to collate all this information, so I’m pleased I’ve finally completed it! I was certainly living life on purpose in 2021 that’s for sure! COVID helped us all to focus and get a bit of perspective across all areas of our lives. Many of us flung caution to the wind and grabbed life by the short and curlies. I certainly did.

Before I go on though, I want to acknowledge that I know 2021 was a brutal year for so many. Some lost beautiful family members, dear friends, great colleagues – or all three! And if thats you…I pray that you’ve been able to find peace as you move forward in life and look to the future.

Looking back to look forward

Have you ever reviewed your year? No…I mean seriously reviewed your year? I’m not referring to a casual flick through a journal or diary, I mean have you ever sat down and reviewed your entire year – what you did, with whom and why? Well good on you if you have/do…I certainly haven’t/don’t! Writing this blog has been extremely therapeutic on so many levels and I’ve discovered something! Firstly, never in a million years would I have remembered the amount of fun I had during such a difficult year. Yeah I new I did ‘stuff’- but not this much! And let’s be clear…I wouldn’t have to do this much reflecting had this blog been in existence (one hopes!). I have no intentions of writing up the highlights of my WHOLE year again. I would like to think that I find a suitable rhythm that allows me to share my stories with you through this platform and social media (LOOOL) – plus it also means that I don’t have to scroll through endless posts to get to my best bits!!!

With all that being said, I’ve certainly discovered that I do much more things than I actually think I do in my head! It’s as simple as that! When I say ‘things’ I mean the people I am connected to, the places and spaces I inhabit and the opportunities I take to just “do me”. It’s been quite an eye opener and I would encourage everyone to take a similar journey of discovery…a bit of looking back to look forward! I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

“I mean have you ever sat down and reviewed your year – what you did, with whom and why?”

Like many, I am on an endless quest to find more ‘me time’. I feel that as time slips away I haven’t downloaded the million and one things swirling around in my head leading to much restlessness. My home life, my faith as a Christian woman, work and my social life are all affected. This becomes a burden resulting in me sometimes feeling overwhelmed and spent of energy. However, writing this particular blog has enabled me to get a bit of perspective peeps and to truly reflect on some precious relationships and amazing people in my life. Throughout 2021, I met some fabulous individuals through my walking. Reflecting in this way has also taught me that the rough always comes with the smooth! Yeah sure…work’s busy sometimes, the housework may be out of control at times and I just might not be able to fit everything in. However, that’s life right (shrugs shoulders!)?

“…writing this particular blog has enabled me to get a bit of perspective peeps and to truly reflect on some precious relationships and amazing people in my life.”

Cheers 2021…I’m grateful for so, so much and I realise that at timesI just need to stop and breathe. I’m in awe that my No.1 fan God knows me intimately and keeps me forever grounded. He’s there 24/7 on tap like a running stream. This year me and you are going in!!! I am so totally thankful for the little things in life that He reminds me of everyday – breath in my body, a loving family, a great job, a roof over my head, a warm bed and food to eat. Anything else above and beyond that is a big, fat, juicy bonus!!!

So here’s some precious highlights from my 2021 that will keep me motivated to move in all areas of my life…and I would live it all again if I could!

I hope you’re not too exhausted…!

January – March 2021 Highlights

Keeping it local and practical during our 5th lockdown!

Black Girls Hike ignites my inner passion for the great outdoors alongside a BUMPER quarter of activities!


I love the following pic! This was me and the girls (the League of Ladies, plus an honorary member for the day!) enjoying birthday celebrations in April for two of the crew – Delia and Anne Marie who were born on the same day, in the same hospital. As we all know, our biological sisters are not the only real deal! You guessed it…we were at the Royal Docks!

League of Ladies and an honorary plus 1

More walking

In May, I spent time in Leicestershire revisiting places outside that I hadn’t been to for years. Bradgate Park always scared me as a child – the deers and their droppings freaked me out! As the warmer weather approached, I enjoyed North East London gems, like walking along the River Lea in Tottenham via Hackney and Stratford, as well as Epping Forest with some more BGHUK ladies that I met online. The walks were gorgeous and the weather was surprisingly great! During my ‘Nani’ duties I also incorporated a walk to Wanstead Park and invited my daughter to join me and baby Luca!

As this quarter draws to a close, the following photo is one of my favourite moments of the year. May was a bitter-sweet time as we celebrated my nephew’s wedding. We lost our beautiful sister Sue in August 2016, but she was still very much present to watch her son walk down the isle with his stunning bride. I wasted no time roping the family into a walk the very next day in Ratby, Leicestershire!!!

The Toussaints at their finest…fun, fun, fun!

The gym, the trainer and me…

On my quest to pursue a new healthier lifestyle, just over four weeks ago, I decided to take the plunge and invest in a personal trainer at my local gym.

Me and my brilliant PT Dimples!

In the past, I have joined gyms and keep fit classes and also tried programmes like Weight Watchers and Slimming World . All resulted in limited success so it was really important to me that I chose wisely in my latest health venture.

When I joined the gym in July 2021, and like many of you I suspect, my attendance was erratic. At times you would find me doing my thing 3-4 times a week, other times it was more like 3-4 times a month! It was another doomed quest heading for failure. Fortunately, in the autumn, I happened to stumble across Lisa Nestor’s Instagram account and loved what she was sharing. (For those of you who don’t know, Lisa is a personal trainer and a vegan. She is married to Eddie Nestor). To see someone like Lisa that looked like me and within a similar age bracket was very inspiring and it got me thinking about what I was trying to achieve at the gym.

I knew I had access to personal trainers, so I kept my eye out for someone who would suit my personality and my goals! When I attended a class I would purposely keep a watchful eye on the trainer’s interactions with members and how he/she kept the class motivated. They all had their quirky ‘isms’, but one trainer in particular caught my attention. Her name is Dimples Vadher a qualified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Advisor & Emotional Wellbeing Coach. Dimples runs a business called Beyond Fit Bodies which is kind of where I am at – I want to be healthy inside and out working beyond my physical appearance..

As much as I think I can do many things, I can’t ‘do gym’ all by myself!

I didn’t realise just how much I needed this type of support. It’s like having your own personal cheerleader that is dedicated to your health and wellbeing goals. And if you’re uninitiated like me, I thought I would work with my PT for a couple of hours per week…oh no how wrong was I. My PT is on my case each and every day checking up on what I am eating, drinking and how much sleep I am getting – amongst a whole load of other stuff. I have received gigabytes of data to munch and chew over which could have easily thrown me off course. However, my PT Dimples is simply the best – platinum service level in fact! The support, advice and guidance fits me perfectly – it’s not too pushy, but at the same time it’s firm enough to keep me on the straight and narrow! If you are thinking about a transformation in your own life, I would highly recommend a PT or a gym buddy that is reliable. Someone you can regularly train with – be it at the gym or walking/running. The key for me is the reliability and finding someone that fits your style of training.

So as I enter 2022, I feel confident that this year is going to be different to many other years. Motivated to Move is so much more than walking, hiking and health. For me it’s about how those things impact on other areas of my life – when I am walking it gives me the bandwidth to think about my relationships, career goals or where I am at on my faith journey. Other times, a good work out at the gym, gives me the energy to blitz the housework with gusto rather than complaining about what others haven’t done! When I am feeling in a good place I can conquer anything with limited stress – my demanding job, a pile of laundry or another 30 seconds in a low plank position!

So as Dimples often says to me – you’ve got this Jules…and so have you!

If you find this post interesting, please share, subscribe and follow me on my socials!

Follow Dimples @Dimples Vadher or @Beyond Fit Bodies

Where it all began…

For the longest time, I have wanted to live a more active and healthy lifestyle. Enjoying the great outdoors has always been a deep desire of mine for as long as I can remember. I think that’s why green is my favourite colour – there is nothing I love more than seeing an expanse of green set against an amazing landscape. Throw in the sea or any kind of water, then I’m getting my coat as you’ve just made my day!

The walking kind of all began in early 2020. I started walking locally when the first set of lockdowns were imposed on us. I started to really enjoy the Royal Docks in East London which is a short distance from where I live. I hadn’t really appreciated the beautiful walks that were on my doorstep. My walking buddies at the time soon opened my eyes to what I had been missing and ‘The Docks’ (as I affectionately call them) haven’t quite looked the same! My walking antics soon saw me venturing further afield to other places of interest in and around the East London area. In August of that year, I also embarked on my first coastal hike to the beautiful Seven Sisters (in East Sussex not Tottenham!) where I traversed the breathtaking Chalk Cliffs. Other hikes soon followed.

The Chalk Cliffs in Seven Sisters, East Sussex were not going to get the better of me!

Me and my local walking buddy Donna on a bike ride to the Olympic Park via The Greenway.

The experience kick-started a longing to see more of the great outdoors in more depth…rather than via the lens of the TV or other peoples stories and social media posts!

Walking (and a bit of cycling) became a lifeline during the height of the pandemic! I walked and cycled for miles during breaks, encouraging family and friends to join me along the way! No longer was I going to just visit – walking and talking was the new order of the day!

Me, mum and sister Amanda walking in Leicester

Being spurred on by family and friends, I always said to myself that I wanted to find a way to capture the great places that I visited. I also made a thing of spa breaks with the hubby – he would be off playing golf and I would be walking enjoying all the greenery around me!

Taking full advantage of a golf spa break with hubby – he played…I walked!

You know what it’s like – we capture great photos on our phones, we even go so far as to create albums for ourselves…but what then? Where do all those great memories go? When sharing my walking stories, I find myself scrambling through hundreds of photos just to bring the story to life a little! So I set myself a goal that one day I would create a blog and write about my adventures. That way I can share my stories more easily with whoever might be interested!

Me and my big sis Florrie walking along The Docks

Me and my bestie Delia as I tempted her out for a little, bitty walk along The Docks

Fast track to December 2021 and I have taken my healthy lifestyle one step further…I now have my very own personal trainer who has shown me a thing or two over the last four weeks! I’ll be writing about that in my next blog post and will share the details of my journey so far…! It’s been a right ol’ eye opener I can tell you! If anyone told this middle-aged woman a few weeks ago that she would be squatting, pumping, spinning with the rest of them…I would have said ‘yeah right’…but I can and I did. Why? Simple really. I want the results of my medical checks to be the best they can be, I want to drop a few (quite a few!) pounds and I want to eat healthier meals.

As we enter another New Year I am now ready and truly motivated to move in all areas of my life. I want to make wise, healthy choices each day so that I can be the best version of me, for me!

So here it is…Motivated to Move…the ramblings of a seasoned woman spinning life beyond her gym classes!

I juggle many plates and I would like to think that I am a great wife, loving mother and supportive grandmother! Oh…and in my professional life I work in the education sector, where I absolutely love seeing young people reach their true potential. So there you have it! I do hope my ramblings amuse and inspire you to move too!